

似乎有无数种方法可以帮助敏捷团队变得更有效。然而,当谈到真正释放敏捷团队的全部潜力并获得专业Scrum所提供的所有好处时,人们、团队和组织必须接受新的思维方式。如果你是一个Scrum Master,敏捷教练,或者组织中其他类型的变革推动者,鼓励人们在他们的旅程中接受新的思考和工作方式可能是一个挑战。


Scrum.org的“问一个专业的Scrum培训师”(Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer)系列在一个现场会议中提供了专业的Scrum培训师(PSTs),回答关于Scrum团队所面临的挑战和情况的最紧迫的问题。

在这个由Leslie Morse主持的交互式的Ask a PST会议中,您将从专业Scrum培训师那里得到答案斯蒂芬妮Ockerman而且史蒂夫宴会他们经常利用教练的立场与他们的客户工作。



你好,大家好。欢迎来到Scrum.org的Ask a PST会议,我们将在这里讨论如何在教练的立场上更有效。我叫莱斯利·摩尔,是scrum.org的工作人员。我很高兴今天能请到两位PST Stephanie Ockerman和Steve Trapps,我们很快就会听到他们的简短介绍。如果你不知道scrum.org,我们是Scrum的发源地,由Ken Schwaber创建,他是Scrum的共同创造者。我们是专业scrum培训师的发源地,我们的任务是帮助团队中的人解决复杂的问题。我们通过使用Scrum来做到这一点。这不仅仅是关于培训,在scrum.org网站上,你可以找到大量的资源,可以用于持续学习,思维领导力,比如scrum指南,Nexus指南,EBM指南和其他我们已经发布的东西。然后,我们的评估提供了scrum板块或全球scrum社区中领先的认证。2022世界杯国家队排名我的字都变黄了。 I'm excited about this conversation today. Coaching is a topic that I'm super passionate about. And I'm excited for us to have a conversation about how coaching can help us enable professional scrum within the world. So without any further rambling on my side, Stephanie, can you tell us just a little bit about you, when you became a PST? And maybe how you discover coaching just to help people orient to where you are in your own journey?

斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 2:10

我真的很喜欢Scrum Master这个角色,我扮演过所有的角色,你知道,我的个性和技能的某些方面可以让我在Scrum团队中扮演不同的角色。但我真的很喜欢我的那部分,因为有了scrum大师的角色,这是我成为scrum大师的道路,意识到,你知道,就像,他们谈论的东西叫做教练,看台和促进,还有其他人,你知道,他们谈论这些不同的事情,能够教授,所以我意识到我真正需要成长的地方可能是教练技能。于是我踏上了一段旅程,

我做了一些研究,和敏捷界的一些我非常尊敬的人,我知道他们有那种指导技巧,我和他们聊了聊他们的经历,最终通过合作指导走上了做五匹马训练系列的道路。我从一开始就被吸引住了,就像,真的进入了,哇,这是一个比我想象的更大的世界,再次与我产生了共鸣。你知道,我想说的不仅仅是scrum管理员这个角色,而是像在生活中一样,我可以从中看到很多可能性。所以我有点深入了,我继续,保持,我继续这段旅程,因为有太多的东西要继续发现,所以这让我试图把它带到我的工作中。因此,创建一些可访问的资源内容,基于在线视频的培训来帮助Scrum Masters,或者我不需要完全投资于专业教练培训,





研究这些问题,我们什么时候能得到这个?你知道,所有这些复杂的领域,作为一个培训师,作为一个软件背景,我经常会发现,为什么这么难?做事情吗?为什么这么难?为什么我不能回答这些合理的问题,为什么我要回答?为什么我做不到这事却感觉如此糟糕?所以很自然地,我倾向于scrum管理员的角色。你知道,这绝对是在说拥有教练的技能,我真的很想探索这意味着什么,你知道,我说的scrum大师。但也有技能方面的问题,比如教练。在我的职业生涯中,在那个时候,我从来没有真正接触过任何关于教练的东西,我看过别人做教练,或者我认为是教练,然后经历了类似的路线,斯蒂芬妮,一个合作者。 And there are other other coaching places out there, as well, as Stephanie and I both went down the same route, probably for the same reason. And within the first 510 15 minutes of being on a course, and experiencing coaching. It was like, wow, it was like going, you know, this going through the looking glass. It was just like, What is this world that we've gone into, you know, I felt quite comfortable being part of the scrum world and being a scrum trainer, then all of a sudden, what is this place where, you know, I'm exploring feelings, I'm exploring what why I get triggered certain ways, why I act ways and how I can help other people find similar kinds of things out for themselves to be the best that they can be, you know, to fulfill their potential. And that is one of the great things about being a coach, you know, interlinking into what Stephanie was saying about being a servant leader. It just helps people reach their potential. And we'll have a conversation along the way, we'll learn something and we'll move on. So I'm relatively new to be a coach, a formal coach. And I've kind of been doing it for a long time, my career because a lot of people I've worked with is often supporting and helping them as like, what can we do to help move forward? So it's kind of naturally fitted together? Yeah,

在我们真正开始讨论之前,我已经看到一些人在聊天中抛出问题。Lindsay是Scrum.org的工作人员之一,她将帮助我们监控聊天并提供任何技术支持。但如果你真的想确保你的问题出现在队列中,对于那些将与Stephanie和Steve一起探索的问题,请一定要把你的问题放在问答功能中,因为作为今天的主持人,这是我真正关注的是把我们将问他们的问题拉出来。在我们讲这些之前,因为已经有很多很棒的电影了。让我们花一点时间谈谈“教练”这个词。你知道,有时我们在敏捷界开玩笑说,比如大写的敏捷和小写的敏捷,这两个词有多么不同。我们在这里谈论的是大写C的教练。当我们想到敏捷教练能力框架时,就在Lisa Adkins在21年前出版的《敏捷团队教练》一书中,我想,你的教练,是四种主要姿势之一教练,教学,促进和指导。在这个例子中,教练这个词的灵感来自于所谓的专业教练,对吧?专业教练的纪律,道德准则能力和技能,最著名的是由国际教练联合会ICF,或欧洲指导和教练委员会emcc定义的。 So when we're talking about coaching, that is what we really mean today, the professional coaching skills, and how they influence the way we show up as we're Scrum Masters or agile coaches or product owners or agile leaders. And when we are choosing intentionally, to bring those skills in to how we serve the people, teams and organizations that we're working with. So like just want to route in for a minute, what we mean by coaching. And both of you sort of alluded to in your introductions that as you study professional coaching, it inherently impacts who you are as a person and you start sprinkling in coaching skills and coaching techniques to like all All of the ways that you work. But one of the things that I really appreciate about the use of the word stance when we think about coaching is that it is you are forced to make the intentional choice, given the situation I am in right now, with this individual or this team, I am going to choose to have a coaching conversation or choose to be in a coaching stance, because that will best serve this situation, how do the two of you decide that that is the right move to make, in any given moment, like unzip your brains for us and kind of unpack that decision making logic?


斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 10:51
我爱它。我爱它。这么大的一个问题。比如,我该怎么做决定?好吧,对我来说,很大程度上取决于假设我有一个scrum大师,我可以扮演不同的角色。所以如果我是scrum大师,scrum团队的一员?让我们从这里开始。在公众面前,大多数人现在、现在、过去或将来都会处于这种情况。你知道,我真的在考虑建立这样的团队,在哪里呆着?团队的成员在哪里? And then a little bit of organizationally, right, you can have a service to the organization, but I am probably starting with individual team, and understanding like what's going on in terms of the development of the team's identity, right, like real cohesion there. And that, of course, is going to impact the team process. But that's kind of another aspect of like, that's the are we delivering value frequently, with quality, right? Like that's, are we getting done frequently? And then the team identity is like, who are we right? And do we like, really like bold? This? Are we like operating as a team that cares about and measures our success results? So those are a couple of the things that I have been looking at to see like, where are the challenges. And so if I see that, especially the team identity aspect is really not been growing, or maybe just attention hasn't been put there, or things have changed, that we've gone backwards. That is typically a science. More coaching, more of a coaching approach and more formal coaching approach. So that's like one example of like, how I make that how I decide. And I also want to point out if people can be in different places, right, so like, there's the team, and then there's the individuals. And so I'm always looking at the different levels is something that is kind of a word, I'll use to call it a coach as an individual level, like which one when it comes to the organizational level, which is still made up of individuals, right. So sometimes there are individual one on one coaching conversations of having I shouldn't say sometimes, often there are, and I will tend to establish that with team members when I joined a team, or we're starting up a team, making sure we have that place that we can always have a coaching conversation available to us on a regular cadence, and making it clear to them like, what does it mean when we're having these conversations, it's like when I am part of your scrum team. And when we have these conversations and coaching, and here's what that means. And I do the same when I'm working with certain key stakeholders. And sometimes I'll have those relationships where we'll have one on one coaching conversations with certain managers or other key stakeholders as well, depending on my role in that specific instance. So that's one example of like, find a scrum master. And I'll go ahead, I have other examples that we can share. But I'll go ahead and toss it to you to see if you want to add to that or bring in another scenario.

和你的风格很像。我想做的是,我的意思是,我学到的第一个关键教训是揭示的,而不是解决的。就像,好吧,这里有个问题,伙计们,我们要怎么做?然后当你看到那些面无表情的面孔时,就好像,好吧,现在我们需要在这里进行一场对话。我们如何前进?你知道,我可以告诉你,你需要版本API,我可以告诉你,因为这是我的经验,它可能是错误的。那我们要怎么做呢?通过探索,通过指导,我想,好吧,我们能做的最好的事情是什么?我不知道我想到了什么为什么我们不开始使用这些技巧,有力的问题?我们要怎么做? What what are we trying to achieve? So you have those conversations, but also you're picking up on those subtle nonverbal communication you're getting from people you know, that you know, active listening with three, three levels of listen thing, are you actually listening to your own voice just coming out? Or actually you're listening to what they're saying and thinking I'm gonna respond this way? Or are you thinking actually? Okay, yeah. taking it all in and absorbing what's going on in the dynamics of the team? So it really depends on the situation, the your relationship with the team, and the organization, to, when do you take in go in between the different things. There's a book that I'm reading at the moment, the badass coaching or something like that by Robert galley. Like, yeah, and he talks about, you know, switching between the stances between the skills, quite rightly, because we're going from one to the another. And if you were coaching somebody at a sea level area, and you're saying, Well, how does that make you feel? You know, that kind of thing. And they may push back on this and say, What do you mean talking about further want to talk about feelings? I just want that problem solved. So then there's that aspect of okay, well, we're going to come a different way. And we're going to be maybe a bit more consultancy, we're going to do a bit more advisory and but we're going to still be going through to the actual getting through to the the nub of the problem that we're trying to solve and help that person see that problem, as well as opposed to think it's not my problem to worry about. So picking on what Stephanie was saying, it depends on the situation that you're in, wanting to switch, but it just comes with a bit of practice. And you could tell what it falls flat, because it falls flat. And you just go okay.



斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 18:14
是的。这就是我说的,建立定期对话。其中一部分是关于什么是指导和征求同意的教育。我想补充的一点是,我发现的是非常非常棘手的,特别是在我真正接受教练培训之前,比如,得到更多的工具和东西来工作。更有能力的是有一个非常明确的讨论就像保密,说了什么,并确保像,我没有使用某人在一对一教练电话中告诉我的东西,就像,在团队工作会议中扔了一个炸弹,不喜欢这是道德方面的,对吗?让我们和团队的经理们说清楚什么是保密的,什么是不能分享的,但是由于我作为scrum管理者的责任,什么是需要分享的,对吧,我要负责什么团队的其他人要负责什么,经理要负责什么,他们的角色是什么,因为不是每个经理的角色都是一样的。所以我总是确保我和球队的经理有非常牢固的关系。我很幸运,通常都是同一个人,就像很多不同的经理一样。但是真正能够帮助经理理解比如,我需要你信任我我需要你信任整个团队就像我你知道,我们要怎么找到我们要怎么知道当我带着某件事去找你的时候我们要怎么知道这条底线是什么同时也要向所有的团队成员说清楚因为我真的不希望是我去找经理?对吧? Like, it all depends on context of what the situation is. But like kind of, again, taking responsibility and ownership, like encouraging others on the team, right to bring conversations to managers first, you know, in that situation so, so yeah, like, I think that is an important aspect is to educate on what we mean by coaching. And to Steve's point, you might realize, like, oh, I kind of need a coaching conversation with this, these people over here. And that's, we haven't established that. Right. And so that might be a little bit of an in the moment, it might feel less formal. But you know, you can do a quick little education on like, look, here's, here's what, here's what coaching is, here's why I think this is a helpful approach. Here's a quick little design designed to lions as a terminal, here's some times, you know, from from different coaching education institutes, but you can do that very quickly. And, you know, in a way that I think, honors, transparency and the ethics of that.

而且它在时间上也不是固定的,你知道,一旦你有了那个设计好的联盟,那个协议,它就不存在了,我们这就是我们说的,当我们从来没有真正经历过教练的时候,你知道,人是什么人是什么人?这个人是什么?作为一个教练,这个人需要你做什么,或者他们是在为那个群体,那个人服务?你需要我做什么,对吧?现在,我需要你确切地告诉我,你知道,我可能做不到。所以这就是为什么我们是联盟,我们都能做的事,但我要注意你说的道德。它的伦理道德是卓越的,但它也可能是如此痛苦的屁股。因为这是,你知道,这是永远永远要诚实,因为你不记得你曾经说过的谎言。所以总是说实话,或者总是诚实就更容易了。伦理就是这样,同样的事情,非常相似。 It's like, I can't do this, because it's going to either bring my professional reputation to question or there's a perceived conflict of interest, I can't do it. Or I'm going to have to stop you there. Because this is now going to put this relationship that we've built the design Alliance around in a bit of a questionable place. And without those ethics, it's like, Whoa, where do you go? How far do you go? Well, that depends on the coach that with ethical having that code of ethics in place?


斯蒂芬妮阐述Ockerman 24:10
我想到的第一件事是,对吧,还有一种不做假设的程度,对吧?就像不假设它是非敏捷的,它可能在表面上听起来像那样,对吗?但这是其中一项教练技能,我们必须引入的最具挑战性的教练技能之一,我认为甚至很难称之为教练技能,但它也是一种一般的技能,自我管理。所以我得控制自己,就像我的大脑去了所有不同的地方。所以我曾经自我管理过,我必须回去,我必须停止判断和做假设。所以我想我会,我会,我会进入那个地方去探索这里真正想要的是什么,对吧?因为它有很多这是真的,无论它说的东西表面上听起来并不敏捷,但或只是表面上听起来很自然,很多时候人们说他们想要的并不是真正的潜在想要的,对吧?或者是他们想象的最终结果。但也许还有另一种方法,对吧?这样的对话有很多种方式。 So like, that's my starting place is like getting myself into non judgement, openness, curiosity, like, bring the curiosity and uncover, right, like without judgment without assuming no leading the witness, like the bringing in of all of those skills to like, start unpacking. And then I think from there, you know, then maybe you see what emerges and see what fits right.


斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 26:15


斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 27:29
这个人总是有问题。他们不能说某件事,对吧,或者,你知道的,那帮不了任何事。让它更具体一点,就像我脑海中出现的一些例子,就像我们正在谈论的,就像一个团队成员意识到他们不想真正成为这个团队的一部分。我不是说他们不敏捷,对吧?但是,有很多事情会起作用,你知道,有一些人们喜欢的工作方式,也有一些,他们可能只是做了。我曾经遇到过这样的情况,对团队中的一个人有很多假设。就像,坚持住,就像,让我们,让我们,让我们解决这个问题,好吗?最终,那个人去了另一个团队。这涉及到团队层面的很多指导,你知道,在我们一起工作的时候,你知道,围绕我们正在做的工作,对吧,但你知道,还有那个人的经理,最后就像,嘿,就像,我甚至不认为这是关于敏捷或Scrum的。我认为这就像是准备迎接新事物,因为我已经研究这项技术,这个产品很多年了,对吧,所以我们不想做任何假设。 And so like, that's one example. But another could be product specific, right, like a direction we're going with the product, right? And we sometimes he's got, like, realizing like, I don't really think this is the right direction anymore. We're realizing like, we have partial information, or we have biased opinions that are like, taking up more space maybe and because of a power dynamic, right? Like, that's another product specific thing where like, that I that this this conversation we're having reminds me of as well. So it's not only about like, you know, some people think of it as like how people feel and like their mindsets. It's like there's mindset that there are very tangible, working together delivery ways this happens to business strategy, right? Like how many organizations had to deal with like, oh, my gosh, what strategy are we doing? Are we taking our business now? You know, in the last couple of years, so like, just to kind of make this a little bit more tangible. There's lots of different ways this this conversation applies in the real world. Yeah,




我没有你想要的答案。这是我可能没有回答你的问题。但这有点像,好吧,有个问题。你来找我是因为有些东西让你失眠或者不舒服,有些抗拒,好吗?我不知道答案。但是我可以,我们可以探索,我们可以看到这里发生了什么。这是我最纠结的事情之一,再说一次,我是一个解决者。这就是我经历的旅程,我是一个解决者,我是一个取悦者,所有这些东西,都是那些让我有点后退的东西。就像,我已经习惯了给人们他们想要的答案,作为一个伟大的圣人之类的,我走,啊,走这条路。实际上这不是我能给的。 I'm here to help work in partnership with you. And so the mind shift is moving from that. Here's the solution. Go implement it, too. Okay. Talk to me about this. What does this feel like? What Why are you feeling this word? You want to go with this? Those episodes? It's more of an explorer approach than here's the answer. Away you go. I've given you my magic kind of thing. A little the whole process, but a lot, but that's my my.

斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 33:21
是啊,不过我完全同意。就像我喜欢这个时刻就像各种想法在我脑袋里蹦出来。我想,但我可能应该往这个方向走。比如,我该怎么把他们留在那个方向上?就像,不,自我管理,不评判。进入那种心态,对吧。这总是很难,对吧?因为作为scrum管理者,我们确实负有责任。我之前讲过这个。我做过很多研讨会,我也谈过很多。 And the coaching program that I that I just wrapped up recently for Scrum Masters is, we are accountable for outcomes that we cannot control. And this is that like balance that we talked about the scrum master role, like, where if your team falls apart when you're not there, because you've been, you know, moving all the parts around and telling people what to do and solving all the problems. And, you know, like, that's not success, right. So like, that also, ultimately means I have to be okay with them and not changing, like, or like not changing the direction I think they should or right like, so it's like, Yes, I'm here to help us effectively deliver reliably, like valuable quality products. And right, like, I also can't control the outcome of that. And so, I actually think that once you accept that and don't it's like a thing you have to, like, accept every day and moments like because it's an old it's a constant thing. It's once you embrace that fact, and are like, Yes, I haven't a tangible end goal here, right? It's ongoing, right? But it's tangible. It's, I can see the results. But I'm here for the people. I'm here for the systems, right? Like, those are the relationships that are here. And so at the end of the day, if we fail to deliver, but I can say that I showed up and everybody here grew because of it, then I can call that a success, right. And also, like, it's not about my, it's not a judgment of my worthiness, if at the end of the day, somebody doesn't want to be coached. And that doesn't make them a bad person, and it doesn't make me a bad coach. So it's like you read like, that's the mindset game, I think it's not like an oh my god there. It's like an ongoing thing, and you're gonna catch yourself spinning and being like, Oh, I messed up, you were gonna mess up when we when we're trying to stay in more of a coaching stance, we're going to realize, because we got reactionary, and we didn't take a moment, or maybe several moments, like, actually observe what's happening before we started moving forward. So you just gotta, you got to own the mistake, right? And clean up any mess and take a new approach. Right. So like that, to me is like the additional like, Get behind what Steve said, it's like that this is the mindset to me that helps me stay in that I don't know the answer. And my answer that I think I know might be wrong, this isn't about




斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 38:27


斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 40:40




斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 43:51
是啊,再补充一句,别往心里去。你知道,就像,就像,试着不要对它做任何评价,不要把它当成是针对个人的,而是不要去判断,这个人是一个好教练,这个人有一些阻力。就像,不,不,不,就像,就像,让我们把这些都拿走。这个人就是他们自己。我不知道,他们的整个内心世界,他们不知道他们的生活经历。所以我是谁,你知道,去判断,所以真的,你知道,试着用中立这个词,你以前用过。但是,你知道,我认为我们得到了所有的,我们在我们的头脑中,就像,哦,像,我必须得到同意。你知道,这很简单,对吧?就像给一个非常快的有很多你可以使用的定义关于什么是教练,你知道,莱斯利,我相信你会分享一些链接,比如,奥古斯特把什么放在一起了?你知道,我谈到的是,这是一个发人深省和创造性的过程,它是关于使人们能够下定决心。 Little choices that align with what's important to them and what they want, right and empowers them to feel like leaders in their own lives, right? Like, those aren't the words you have to use, you can find other words, you know, and make your own, whatever feels good to me, like, that's what this is about. And so when we're doing this, like, let's talk about confidentiality, right? Like, I want to be really clear on that one, and talk about what accountability looks like. Right? So like, what's your preference, right? Like, do you do like in terms of how you want to be held accountable, and that that can sound scary, too. So maybe that's not the word you want to use? But you know, around like, hey, you know, like, I'm gonna ask you, you know, there's times that like, do you want me to hear you? Do you just want like to be heard, right? Or do you want me to help you bottom line things and like, cut to the chase? Like, how are you know, like, what's your preference, and you can have those conversations, you can ask those things up front as kind of part of that formula, establishing a relationship, where you can ask it along the way, right? Like, you might have a very simple consent type of, hey, here's, here's what coaching is, here's, here's the confidentiality of this conversation. Here's the purpose of it, here's how it fits in the wider context of my role as a scrum master, and how I'm showing up in this way for these conversations, and then you can get to know them and their style as they go. And don't be afraid to ask, in fact, I encourage you to ask, when you're wondering, right, versus just like, you know, assuming know, what motivates somebody or their their learning preferences, or you know, how they like to be, you know, if they, if you make a request of them, like making it very clear that you can always say no, like, This isn't me as your boss telling you or a team lead telling you like, you have to do this, right. So being just being really open with like, those types of those types of things. It can start as that simple conversation, and then you layer in more around your agreement to understand how you're going to work with people. And it can look differently for the individuals on the team, because we're all different.




斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 48:48
举个例子吧,因为在你的经历中,你可能至少见过10种不同的原因。我们不希望在日常scrum中做的事情可能是50件。正确的。这取决于驱动它的是什么?我还注意到了别的什么吗?对吧?这让我想到了一个词,我们对这个词产生了抵触情绪,也许这是个体的抵触情绪?也许你会觉得这里有一种诡异的团队活力,对吧?我感觉到了一种能量,对吧?或者这是一个模式,发生了什么,对吧? And then I might need to go deeper in it, leveraging a more a stronger coaching approach to uncover that right, create transparency surface, what's really going on, so that they can find a way forward. And I might have to bring in a little more teaching, I might have to bring in a little more like, Hey, here's some facilitation skills we can use.


所以其中一件事我想我们在4月份做了一个scrum pulse,和其他几个psat一起讨论了他们成为专业教练的旅程以及他们如何使用专业教练技能与他们服务的人,团队和组织相处。但我认为其中一个是在很多问题中出现的。这就像,你如何在这方面做得更好以及职业成长是什么样子的?因为你们都参加过CTI集体培训中心的培训项目。斯蒂芬妮,你还投资了组织和关系系统培训,也被称为全球CRR的SC,你知道,有数百个其他的教练培训学校。但是教练培训学校真的很贵,很长时间,你知道,像这样的旅程是一项重大的投资,并不是每个人都有经济上的特权或时间上的特权。所以,如果你想在教练的立场上做得更好,而你没有钱和时间,你可以学习什么?你怎么练习呢?你怎样才能真正深化自己的技能,以便在使用教练的立场时能够有效地发挥作用?

对我来说,我读了很多书。我经常听Audible。所以有很多书。所以就是要掌握这些技能,掌握这些知识,彻底的坦诚,我刚刚听了Kim Scott讲的他们是如何表达问题的以及如何与人进行困难的对话有时我们会退缩。这是Michael Bungay的书,习惯。只是就在那里。所以我们来看看这个,不是说我没有得到任何钱,而是说不同的风格。所以只要找本书,开始探索,开始和其他教练交谈,看看他们是如何做到的。你知道,你不需要去上一门课程。通常情况下,人们只是在网上四处阅读。

斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 52:14


斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 52:45
然后奇迹发生了。现在,如果你要开始有意识地练习,那就会感觉非常非常可怕。所以,你知道,我做的其中一件事,因为我经历了职业教练的旅程,我说了完全一样的话,我说,不是每个人都需要这个水平,但他们需要一些东西。这让我创建了一个在线课程。所以是视频,但是练习册是把它付诸实践的关键,你还是要做的,对吧。就像,你知道,没有人强迫你自己去做一个自我指导的学习者。但我发现一些组织为团体大量购买了一些许可证,他们成立了学习俱乐部。因为当你练习这样的东西时,和经历相同课程的人交谈是很有帮助的。所以你可以看看你的组织。你知道,也许你正在读那本书,《教练习惯》,对吧,或者你在听某个播客,你知道,你知道,你知道,或者它可能是一个在线课程,基于视频,对吧,然后经常聚在一起,谈论你正在学习的东西,谈论你是如何应用它的。 And also, you could even do some true practice, like form triads and kind of get agreement that like, Hey, we're gonna practice coaching together. I like triads, because we, of course, experienced them through our coach training, it's super helpful to have that observer, you know, kind of watch and be able to provide feedback. You know, and but you all kind of have to be on the same page, right about what you're learning, because, you know, somebody might give you feedback, and it might, and this is actually true all the time, even if you're not learning the same things together, you know, feedback, because feedback, right? Doesn't mean it's right. It doesn't mean it's wrong. That kind of part of the things we learned in coaching along the way. And, you know, but like having some feedback, whether it's, you know, right or wrong, doesn't matter, but like having that feedback is super helpful in the practicing. You're also going to get feedback by the responses of the person you are coaching. So like when you think you're in a coaching stance, notice them right like whether it's with an individual whether you're taking more of a coaching stance in a group, a team type of stuff Adding, like, notice the reactions people are having, what is the responses? What's the energy of it? And so you can still reflect and do this on your own even if you don't have other people doing this with you. But again, do have people try to get at least kind of a regular conversation going, if not go to the extent of trying to do some practice coaching together. Yeah.

问一些问题,你知道,史蒂夫和斯蒂芬妮,你今天提到的,比如,我在哪里投射我对他们的看法?我在哪里注意到我在评判别人,或者其他类似的事情,只是对自己感到好奇,你可以从那里学到很多东西。我觉得如果我不说“教练”这个词在我们的世界里是非常复杂的,因为“敏捷教练”这个词和“敏捷教练”这个短语。所以当你选择研究教练的立场时,你必须非常有眼光和有意识。因为教练的立场,对吧?您将使用专业的敏捷教练技能作为一个敏捷教练列表本身并不是敏捷教练。所以,如果你正在阅读关于敏捷教练的东西,这是一个总括性的术语,只有一部分是真正着眼于我们今天在这里谈论的真正的教练立场。Stephanie,你提到了Agile Sox网站上的资源、工具和东西。我想说的是,去看看ICF所有教练培训提供者的名单。 Those coach training organizations have tons of blog posts and webinars and other sorts of things. Coaches rising is one of the organizations that I find has lots of good digestible small pieces of information or webinar programs that really just dig into pure coaching skills. And and the question is, as an analyst, how are you borrowing that in your practice as a scrum master or product owner or leader of some sort? Any other sort of references or recommendations on that? Because we've got about two minutes and I've got a couple rounds


斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 57:45
是啊,我们聊了一会儿。你知道,当我们在为这个电话做技术准备的时候,一旦你实际上,它可以是去训练,因为真的,当你去教练训练的时候,你是在接受训练,你看着别人接受训练,但也只是得到一个教练,你会意识到,就像,哦,就像,这就是教练的感觉。对吧?很难用语言来表达。所以只是体验一下。我很喜欢,史蒂夫,就像建议你找个教练一样,对吧?是的,我确实想找一个真正知道什么是职业教练的人,而不是那些自称教练的人,我想把它弄清楚,因为你知道,我们都见过这样的例子,说实话,在我们职业生涯的某个时刻,我们可能是问题的一部分。在我们真正发现它之前,对吧?这只是一个学习的过程,对吧?我们都是从我们所处的地方开始的。 But just experiencing it really does click it's like that click happens for you


斯蒂芬妮Ockerman 58:49

太棒了。史蒂夫和斯蒂芬妮,非常感谢你们今天来到这里。感谢您将您的智慧传授给我们所有的与会者。我非常非常感激。我要做一个快速的屏幕分享,来结束我们的讨论。斯蒂芬妮之前提到过,对吧?为Scrum和敏捷实践者提供的指导资源。scrum.org/coaching。我们有了教练的定义我们有了教练能力,还有到其他资源的链接。我认为我们在今天的讨论中发现的一些内容很适合添加到这个页面中。 So Steve and Stephanie, send me some of those and I'll make sure that we get them added and then as always, right tons and tons of resources and options to engage with the scrum.org coming Unity. We've got our forums connect with us on social, the blog, and then more scrum pulse sessions and other webinars and things on our events calendar. Like I said, attendees, thank you for being here. Steve and Stephanie, thank you so much. I truly appreciate your time today. Yeah, thank you. Awesome. And then the recording for this will be up within the next 24 hours. You'll get an email that that is available and questions that we didn't get to we'll handle in a blog post here over the next week or so. Thank you so much for coming today.